Monday, February 28, 2011

Ibanez Srtn Potentiometer


Poor little Yara, shut off your dreams on this earth, but light up the sky with your light becoming a star and no one will ever look at you without thinking that the light inside you that you needed for something bigger!
The soul of those who killed you will burn in remorse for ever!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Do Cheetos Cause Cancer

And if Libya?

We have already noticed in recent days as the Libyan crisis relates very closely to the Italian Government, because of territorial proximity and the great friendship between the claimed and Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi . There are notes on the image of an impact from day described on television around the world as the only Western country that is pushing for a cautious approach and friendly to the regime. And there are other issues that affect us very closely: the feared increase in immigration, problems with energy resources, the allegations that Italy be involved in clashes in recent days. We make a summary. The phone call with Berlusconi

Palazzo Chigi issued a statement last night announcing that Silvio Berlusconi and Libyan President Gaddafi have felt over the phone for half an hour. Today in the press, we learn that this phone call would have been the result of the "urgent request" of the U.S. government because Berlusconi, building on its relationship with Gaddafi This did the dismay and condemnation of the European Union and the United States. Gaddafi claimed that the situation is brought under control and that all is well
The Ministry of Defence has asked the army to move three warships in the Mediterranean are the Mimbelli destroyers, missile units capable of performing the functions for command ship complex military operations, and two LPD, the landing ships San Marco and San Giorgio. There are three warships: they are related to hunting, have on board helicopters, landing craft, operating rooms and above all a group of infantry and commandos, the heads of the Navy leather. The deployment is due to the risk that Gaddafi could threaten Italy, to create a diversion, perhaps by firing rockets at Lampedusa as it did in 1986. The scenario is considered unlikely but possible. If the situation were to deteriorate again in Libya, there is also the possibility to intervene on the ground, to monitor and keep open an airport and evacuate as the last remaining foreigners in Libya. Also, some Air Force and Navy helicopters have been moved south to work in support of Coast Guard vessels and the Guardia di Finanza in the fight against illegal immigration. According to Maroni could reach 300 thousand immigrants.
was set up a standing committee on the crisis. They include, in addition to the prime minister and the undersecretary Letta, Ministers Maroni, Frattini, La Russa, Romans, Matteoli, Alfano and Sacconi. La Russa said the committee needed to "be prepared for any development of the situation."
Greenstream The pipeline, which connects Italy and Libya, was closed yesterday because of the riots: a lot of Libyan technicians and workers simply did not show up for work. This means that it is also suspended the supply of gas to Italy. Italy is not likely to end up without fuel, as there are still large stocks and are moving towards a warmer season, but the prolonged blockade of the system could drive down the value of the shares of ENI in the stock market. In just two hours in which the Milan Stock Exchange was opened yesterday, ENI has lost 0.86 percent. With oil
things are more complicated. Libya offers Italy a quarter of the oil that is imported and is now not loading ships. Before that Italy will be able to find a new buyer of the stocks could be reduced. The International Energy Agency could allow Italy to the use of strategic stocks, covering approximately 100 days of consumption.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Famous People With Avoidant Personality Disorder


The plot and the reviews of the novel, published by Garzanti Clara Sánchez.
Spain, Costa Blanca. The sun is still hot even though it already September. On the streets there is none, and the air is filled with the scent of lemon that reaches the sea. It is here that Sandra, in his thirties crisis, sought refuge not have a job, is at odds with their parents, is pregnant with a man who is sure to love. She feels alone and is desperate for a compass for her life. Until the day when he meets his eyes sympathetic and kind: it is Fredrik and Karen Christensen, a couple of lovely old men. They're like the grandparents never had. Moment by moment, gave her a tender friendship, the people are charming as Albert, and welcome in the large villa surrounded by beautiful flowers. A paradise. But in reality it is hell. Why Karin and Fredrik are Nazi war criminals. Were known for their ferocity and now the dream to start smoldering. I know Julian, who escaped the concentration camp at Mauthausen, which for days following their movements. He knows that their wrinkled hands were stained with the blood of innocents. But now, perhaps, may expose and Sandra is the only one able to help. It is not easy to convince of the truth. Yet, after an initial moment of disbelief, the woman begins to look with different eyes and read behind the fragile appearance. Sandra now has understood: she and her very small risk. But no matter. Why everyone should know. Why can not return life to the victims, but you can at least make everything that has happened does not fall into oblivion. And that evil will not remain unpunished. A novel that has surprised and shocked the conscience, revealing a unique publishing event. Released quietly in Spain, soon hit the charts by selling thousands of copies through word of mouth to the public. Then came the consecration of the critics, the smell of lemon leaves tells a story of love and courage, memory and guilt, hope and strength, a story that remains impressed in the soul forever.