"In the experience of a great love of everything that happens becomes an event in its field."
Romano Guardini
'Under the thick blue / sky a bird goes to sea, / neither never stop, because all the images lead wrote: / "farther" "
"... There is no one who hears the voice / resonant in the darkness, but why the entry exists?".
Pär Lagerkvist
"Maybe one morning going to the air, glass / dry, turning, I see the miracle: / nothing behind me, the blank back / to me, a drunkard's terror. / Then, as if one be the screen, and pitched for Gitto / holiday packages for trees deception usual. / But it's too late, and I shut up I go / for men who do not look back, with my secret. "
Veni Creator Come, Holy Spirit,
bending (bending or not) the grass,
appearing (or not) as a tongue of flame on his head,
at the time of haymaking, or when it goes on tractor ruts
of walnuts in the valley of the woods, or when the snow down trees
mutilated in the Sierra Nevada.
I'm just a man - so I need visible signs, building stairs
I soon tired of abstractions.
prayed sometimes (You know) that a picture painted in the church
raised his hand to me - one, once.
But I understand, the signs may be only human. Desta
then a man in any place on earth,
(not me, at least I know what the decor) and permit
- looking - I can see you.
"The curiosity of the men investigating the past and the future and clings to that dimension. But understanding the point of intersection of the timeless with time, it is holy work. Neither work, but something that is given and taken away in the annihilation of all life in love, in the heat and selflessness and dedication. For many of us, there is only the unexpected moment, the moment in and out of time, the moment of distraction, lost in a ray of sunshine, the wild thyme unseen, or the flash of the fall or winter, or music heard so deeply not hear at all, but you are the music until the music continues. "
Thomas S. Eliot
"Alongside the study and the pastoral and apostolic experiences of which you can use, so do not forget to put in first place always looking for an intimate communion with Christ. He's here, only here, the secret of your success apostolic. not alarm you, nor be discouraged by the difficulty: the wheat and the weeds, we know, grow together until the end of the world (cf. Mt 13:30). It is important to be good wheat grains that have fallen to the ground, bear fruit. deepen your awareness of your identity: the priest, the Church and the Church, but humble is a sign of the only real and eternal Priest who is Jesus "
Benedict XVI seminarians
The possession of material goods have replaced el'applauso people that work on oneself which serves to temper the spirit and form an authentic personality. This might be superficial, to take dangerous shortcuts in search of success, delivering it to the life experiences that give rise to immediate gratification, but are in themselves precarious and deceptive.
Benedict XVI to the youth
"Do not believe for tradition, for fear of death or to get their hands on. Or because there's someone who inspires awe and commands, or even for humanistic reasons, to save and make the original. We must believe for the simple reason that God exists. "
Andrei Sinyavsky
" Whoever receives you receives me, and whoever receives me receives him who sent me. Whoever welcomes a prophet as a prophet, will have the reward of the prophet, and he who receives a right as right, will have the reward. And whosoever shall give a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is a disciple, verily I say unto you, do not lose his reward. "
Mt 10.40-42
"When I met Christ I have discovered more than man."
Marius Victorinus Roman Rector
"Now contemplate what he has done and thank you with all the voice, and bless the Lord of justice and exalt the King of ages."
Tb 13.7
"One alone can do a lot. It can pee, can fall asleep, may wake up, it can throw stones at the streetlights, it can break your balls, it can also be sliced \u200b\u200band crazy. But one with someone that you love him and I respect him and look at it with passion, can make even the revolution. "
Jovanotti" Cape Horn "
" Friendship is only possible between people who seek Otherwise God there can be at most conniving, complicity, a convergence of interests, but no friendship. In saying this I do not deny his friendship with one who claims to be atheist or agnostic, or belonging to a religion other than Christianity. Only if the profession is seen as research, however, the person has the spiritual strength to live a true friendship. God is friendship. E 'Trinity is a communion. E 'of the different units: the Father is not the Son, who is the Spirit. But I'm one, one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. A beginning of understanding this great mystery you may find your experience human friendship. "
(2008 Don Jonah Lynch - Rimini, 26 August)
"inspires our actions, Lord, and surround them with your help, because all we do have from you its beginning and its end in you. For our Lord."
"risen One also had his wounds: the passion is present in him and we can say with Pascal that he is suffering until the end of the world, although the risen and living with us and for us .
"A stranger is my friend, one that I do not know. A stranger far, far away. For him my heart is filled with nostalgia. Because he is not with me. Why he might not exist at all? Who are you that fills my heart in your absence? That fills the earth in your absence? "
(Par Lagerkvist, in Poems)
" The thought of a more resolute, more science is not nothing compared to what happened, insanity is to believe events the simple thoughts "
Cesare Pavese