Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Where Can I Find Metal Core Wheels In Ontario

Phenomenology of the phenomenon, which I am

I've always avoided, not too thoroughly, to tell humorous anecdotes about my evening work, that of the waiter.
This time, however, I must, given gigantezza the discussion.

are presented this evening, at about 22.30, three people. I am the son, father and grandfather, Southern.
I am interested in them when collecting the empty plates, I hear my grandfather saying, "... far dallu Culu miu, is' n Culu dellu Culu to St. Anthony." An apostle.
smile, keep on working.
The evening is almost over and only they remained in the room. The father calls me:

- Father: "My friend ... friend ..."
- Luke: "Tell me"
- P.: "Look here ... because this character is a character [and indicates the grandfather], and we are here in Rome with the car, is not that familiar with a n. .. . ... a. b. ...?"
- L.: "What?"
- P.: "A n. .. a. .. leb "
- L.:" Excuse me, but I do not understand "
- P: [whispering]" A night club ... "
- L.:" Listen, I'm not very handy but I know that parts of the Via Veneto, there are several. Sure, it takes several money ... "
- P:" We have € 2000. Do you think enough for ... [and with the hand makes the gesture of the piston]? "
- L.:" I do not know, are not practical rates "
- P.:" How come? What do you have? 25 years? At 25 years old and you are not familiar fare ...".


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