Monday, November 30, 2009

How Many Times Can You Install Office 2003



Good evening!

Today I want to tell you about Sinterklaas, party, or rather, I should say person, I have often heard of. not easy to find a definition, but I will try maybe a little 'more or less confusedly to explain what it is.

Then, starting from the identification itself. Sinteklaas is none other than St. Nicholas, which is celebrated on December 6 and then. For the Netherlands and Flanders, however, is generally much more! It 'a kind of ancestor of Santa Claus, but much loved. The best thing is that everyone, and I mean absolutely everything to the last year of primary school children about believe in him. Sinterklaas arrives in Holland from Spain-it lives in a castle there in mid-November on his steamboat, accompanied by his helpers, the Zwarte Pieten, all of the kids because of the soot-blackened chimney. His arrival was televised, and there are all the children in celebration to welcome the canals, and begin the typical rituals. What ritual? First there are the typical foods of Sinterklaas. I'm talking about: pepernoten, kruidnoten, marzipan.

But more typical, more fun and perhaps even more crazy is the Zetten schoen! Children put their shoes near the fireplace (now more likely to close the window or radiator!) In the evening, leaving them a carrot or any food for Sinterklaas's horse, Amerigo. Sint walking in the night with his horse over the rooftops and go Zwarte Pieten fireplace chimney to leave gifts for children. Of course, this being my first and last Sinterklaas, I adapted to the traditions of the children and I've also done my Zetten schoen!

Sinterklaas also is celebrated by the entire family on the evening of December 5. It therefore takes a very special gift exchange. Generally, a draw is made, so that each family member should take just one gift. This should be wrapped in a somewhat 'special in what is called "surprise" or something a bit' special that may be paper, cardboard, clay, fabric, and can represent anything that has to do with the content or the recipient. In other words, it takes an attack of art. And it does not end there. This must also be
accompanied by a kind of poem / nursery rhyme to rhyme. Difficult, eh?
This is my first surprise, I did for Caitlin, another AFSer.

Clearly there are also dozens and dozens of songs for children!
These are the most typical, I have learned only the shortest, kapoentje Sinterklaas!

Historically, St. Nicholas was a bishop, which remains in clothing typical of this figure.

its development I have heard two different versions: one (probably the most reliable) states that the Dutch who founded New Amsterdam, and the ongoing New York, took this picture in the United States and some 'similarity to the called Santa Claus. In the other version is said instead was clearly a Sint Sinterklaas, which is a saint, so with the arrival of Protestant movements, Calvinist and Anglican in countries like Britain, the figure clearly Catholic was converted in the most anonymous Santa Claus and the Netherlands preferred to maintain the tradition.

I then found myself in a country where large do anything because the children keep them that way, why do not you lose the joy of finding the gift brought by a loving old man. At first it seemed absurd that aired on the news every day of Sinterklaas, which were put in contact with the boat to see if the fantastic trip was going well, it seemed absurd that parents really were not doing all so busy find out the truth to their children. But then I watched it with different eyes, and I realized that there is nothing more beautiful than the children who enjoy in full their childhood believing in the magic, horses over the rooftops, in the gifts that come down the chimney. I'm not saying there is not even on this consumerism and speculation, but in a sense you feel less, because the spirit of Sinterklaas is there, and is loud and clear, is less luxury and caprice, more creativity and family.

You should see how much joy not only in children but also in all the adults who are complicit in this beautiful lie dressed up as Sinterklaas, Zwarte Piet by inventing the best excuse when a child recognizes his grandfather in disguise, bringing home kruidnoten , carrots and gifts at night!

Eli, yes, he means hij ... I guess you should ask for some similarity (or equality?) with the German.

conclude that my post and I thank you again for following me with such warmth, affection and above all so much interest!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Adobe Digital For Windows Mobile



This evening, as I already sleeping, I shall deal with a brief summary.
Summary of what? I remind you that my adventure began three months and five days ago, so yes, you've actually lost something. But do not worry, I have no intention to go on too long, I'll just turn briefly to the months spent with a few pictures to accompany the most important events.

August 21. INCOMING! As the first evening is brought out to dinner in Scheveningen, which is the sea area of \u200b\u200bDen Haag. Strong wind, but very impressive: a long beach (The Dutch coast is in fact a single beach, clearly excluding construction), gulls, lots of kite surfers e. .. fireworks. It seemed made just for me!

22. Slightly more than 24 hours after my arrival in the Netherlands will I get a beautiful bike!
27. I go for the first time in my life at Ikea, an episode worthy of note for me, after hours of talks with Andrea!
28. I see a movie about Van Gogh (pronounced with the original name that initially could not recognize) in one of those movies with "sun dome", Omniversum. He also visited a strange museum annex, Museon, a science and I do not know what well what else.
28. Beatstad. A kind of Dutch music festival with a "great host" stranger in my case, Kean.
31. Start the school!

nothing relevant to the first ten days.
11-12-13. Field Guidance, alias orientatie camp. Truly an outlet!

15. Budget Day. Originally fell on the birthday of William of Orange, is now only an opportunity provided by the bureaucratic establishment in which the Queen Beatrix of Orange at present, say the "speech from the throne", which deals with policy and government. In practice, it is a day of vacation for the Haags, all (or almost) go in front of the building work of the queen and there is a beautiful procession with mounted policemen, gang, and the entire royal family in a carriage that passes . The queen goes on a golden carriage. And here is a story!
My host family decided to take me to see this parade. We get there and obviously I could not see anything (I state that my host family is nothing short of gigantic.) My enterprising host mom really wants to go to a shop nearby to ask for a lineup, so maybe I could raise a little over the crowd. The luxury shoe retailer clearly has only a large scale: it was so that I end up sitting on top of a long ladder, looked bad from all the passers-by and making me see by the cameras. So Tuesday, September 15, even after I arrived, I ended up on TV!

19-20. Weekend in Friesland to visit the whole family (numerosa!) eager to know. So stop in Leeuwarden, Hallum, and Veenwouden Burgum. Granny's unforgettable proposal (accepted by everyone in a loud voice): A walk barefoot in nature.
24. CKV dag. Then when I speak in more detail what the school will explain the CKV. Basically, however, it was a pretty boring day around the town with my mates. To remember why I took the tram alone without getting lost!
26. AMSTERDAM. A Saturday to walk the streets with the other crazy AFSers.

October 1. My birthday. What about a special day, really. Began with the Dutch birthday song (which is not the tune of "Happy Birthday to you," oh no!) Sung as a kind of alarm clock - then at six in the morning! - From my host family, and ended with a few small parties of the school.
3. A Olst, at Simon's house, another AFSer Italian, for his birthday.
4. First regional activity with AFS (joined regional meetings in my case the province Zuid-Holland and Utrecht). We find ourselves at the central station of Dordrecht, and after a long walk we arrive in a country which deliberately ignore the name, and the food world.
9. First (and last anyway) out with someone in my class: pajama party at the home of one of my companion.
10. Party for the birthdays of my host parents (17 and 28 October) and my, of course. Along with family and neighbors.
16. An evening of games together with family friends. What a beautiful What (I'm not totally ironic!).
17-18-19-20. [Holiday Autumn] Camping with the other maidens of the family in Friesland. Beautiful, surrounded by nature in autumn, the most relaxing and not even too cold!
22-23-24-25-26. [Autumn holiday] with AFSers BERLIN!

31. AFS regional activities in Leiden.

6-7-8. Weekend with the community of the church, again in a campsite. All in all not bad, because he had his.
14. HIJ Komtar, HIJ Komtar! Komtar Sinterklaas!
21. Walk Bengisu in Utrecht with a Turkish AFSer. Sipping tea and hot chocolate in the rooms warm while it is windy outside ... What could be more beautiful?
22. Giornatina home of Sarah, an Italian who lives near AFSer Wourden, in a beautiful rural village with the supermarket!

And here we are here.
From now on we will update in real time.

Thank you for your warm support I hope to still excites at least a little 'with my stories.

Oh, Eli, you're always as my ideal reader. As they greet the Dutch.
E 'was the first approach I had with the ' Netherlands. Here we give three kisses on the cheek. Friends if they happen to give one, it embraces rarely seen. Usually I greet actually only a gesture and a verbal greeting. But yes, the greeting is formal three kisses. Anyway, do not take anything for granted, I discovered, talking to other Italians that we usually give them one, but usually in Rome, even among friends, they give two and none in the area of \u200b\u200bReggio Emilia give it three. Oddities.

Thanks again.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Kiddie Smoke Detector Beep

Caress of Varanasi

Thirty-three small steps an off-white accompany my steps towards the sacred river.

The Ganges accept my body, cumbersome burden of a life without respect.

Varanasi full of spirituality and compassion for myself, I felt the need to remove those clothes so much care with which I arrived, I join the ethereal spirituality of this place that I loved so much in the stories and in the pages of dusty volumes to public library.

My feet too white, too clean, they move to the uncertain steps towards the river which brings mercy.

The sacred Hindu says that those who die in this city \u200b\u200bwill be forever in God's mercy, no more reincarnations, no more loops and recycle, just peace.

I look quite close to me, men who prepare the altar of wood.

A corpse is placed at the top, ready to become the wind to scatter ashes with a pat on the sacred mirror.

I had always imagined a sacred clear color, a heady scent, but I see only water and the smell of putrid mess.

dip their feet dirty in the world, the river purifies the generous man with black dirt, from the sins and takes care of it frees the soul and sacrificed for man, that's what I see, a gift.

watched the smoke of the wood, beside me, to accompany the soul of a woman into the sky.

The body will become ashes and fly toward the earth, the soul to heaven library, free to join the Mercy.

My body is completely submerged under the mantle purifier, a man stops to pray next to me, share me with his looks, his time.

I die now, Varanasi would be my last smile.

Basketball Indoor New Jersery

A year abroad


A year abroad is much more than what you say. Probably because you can not actually say because, as I had the opportunity to check on my skin between saying and doing is half of the sea. Nothing could be truer.

A year abroad is a different experience for each student.
A year abroad is first and foremost to bring oneself, one's person (and personality, in particular), in a different life than you've ever experienced. And believe me when I say that with imagination we can not reach.
's strange to notice certain flaws that were hidden in their nell'agevolezza the habit and routine, or simply very mild, it is strange to hear for the first time what it really lack , it is strange at some point realize that maybe that is not known but it is the lack "constant presence", because more than anything else all your loved ones always feel close to you regardless of kilometers. It 's strange feeling at times completely alone with their own weapons, with their vices and their virtues to fight against the many problems that are created around you, it's weird but sometimes feel a bit' the center of the world, when school everyone will recognize, the neighbors greet you. It 's strange to see that one day you're bored, why boredom is not what you expect to find before you leave, do not expect a normal life, mistakenly.
It is strange to be surprised one day think about your host family a bit 'as if it were indeed temporarily your family, it is strange to think that people are actually here them. For me it was strange to find out much more Italian than I thought to be much more connected to my land, my especially Sicily, than I could ever imagine.

The strangest thing is definitely certain times out, open your eyes and realize that yes, it's happening to me, are really a lot to the north than usual, I'm really riding through the channels, I'm really going through all this, I'm not just imagining more!

And a thousand other thoughts I would like this to be done, but I prefer to cut it here!
Next time I will devote more to the country that is hosting me, very well known and very strange at the same time.

If anyone has any questions in the meantime, some curiosity, can write in a comment and I will be happy to respond.

you soon!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Customize Troops On M&b


Good evening everyone and welcome to my new online space!

As I think all of you readers know, I'm Roberto and I arrived August 21, 2009 in the Netherlands to spend a year here, thanks to Intercultura.

through this blog I'd like to keep informed all those who are interested in learning more of my life here more easily, and I think that this can be quite constructive and even interesting.

then so I conclude this introductory post, with promise to return soon to enrich this space.
