Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Basketball Indoor New Jersery

A year abroad


A year abroad is much more than what you say. Probably because you can not actually say because, as I had the opportunity to check on my skin between saying and doing is half of the sea. Nothing could be truer.

A year abroad is a different experience for each student.
A year abroad is first and foremost to bring oneself, one's person (and personality, in particular), in a different life than you've ever experienced. And believe me when I say that with imagination we can not reach.
's strange to notice certain flaws that were hidden in their nell'agevolezza the habit and routine, or simply very mild, it is strange to hear for the first time what it really lack , it is strange at some point realize that maybe that is not known but it is the lack "constant presence", because more than anything else all your loved ones always feel close to you regardless of kilometers. It 's strange feeling at times completely alone with their own weapons, with their vices and their virtues to fight against the many problems that are created around you, it's weird but sometimes feel a bit' the center of the world, when school everyone will recognize, the neighbors greet you. It 's strange to see that one day you're bored, why boredom is not what you expect to find before you leave, do not expect a normal life, mistakenly.
It is strange to be surprised one day think about your host family a bit 'as if it were indeed temporarily your family, it is strange to think that people are actually here them. For me it was strange to find out much more Italian than I thought to be much more connected to my land, my especially Sicily, than I could ever imagine.

The strangest thing is definitely certain times out, open your eyes and realize that yes, it's happening to me, are really a lot to the north than usual, I'm really riding through the channels, I'm really going through all this, I'm not just imagining more!

And a thousand other thoughts I would like this to be done, but I prefer to cut it here!
Next time I will devote more to the country that is hosting me, very well known and very strange at the same time.

If anyone has any questions in the meantime, some curiosity, can write in a comment and I will be happy to respond.

you soon!


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