Thursday, December 10, 2009

Corporal Punishment In Movies

Good evening!

I wanted to avoid daily lapse in the tales on this blog, but then I thought that after my daily life is different here as it was in Italy.
Then on Thursday afternoon in a very tired, I'll tell you a little 'how I spend my days usually.

I go to school five days a week. How beautiful is the short week, guys, really, just a thousand times lighter: you have two days to rest and those five days seem to be only a weekend break between one and another. A wonder!
The time to change schools frequently. Specify that each school has an individual timetable, which, whenever that changes, you are given a leaflet. There are currently in 4H2. H stands for HAVO, one of the types of the Dutch school.
Unfortunately, every morning except Wednesdays, beginning at eight. This means that I get up at six every morning, except Wednesday when, as starting at 8.50 (we have the hours of 50 minutes), I get up at 6.40.
sacrosanct Every morning, after breakfast, shower and prepared lunch to take to school (which basically consists of four slices of bread with something inside), put on my beautiful bike and I start to school.
On my bike, a beautiful Giant seven-speed, pedal for half an hour with more or less effort. The intensity of the effort is clearly dependent on weather factors: rain (which is always, always say, direct to my eyes), or strictly against the wind, certainly in the near future, hail, ice on the road, why not? snow. Arrive at school, almost always the sound of the bell (often despite the dripping rain pants and jacket!), And I run to my locker. Yes, I have a cupboard! And American children. Take off my jacket and put it in the cabinet, since the teachers in the classrooms do not want jackets, for whatever obscure reason, I take the books, I put it in and run other class.
My day scolastica dura praticamente sempre sette ore, intervallate da due pause di mezz'ora, una alle 10,30 e una all'1,30 e da diverse "tussen uren", nonchè le ore di buco, in cui sto seduta a qualche tavolo a leggere, studiare o chiacchierare.
Esco da scuola, quasi sempre alle 14,50, rimonto sulla mia bici e torno a casa.
A casa guardo un po' di tv, bevo qualcosa (visto che qui in olanda la gente non fa altro che offrirti da bere!) e vado nella mia piccola stanzetta arancione a fare i compiti.
La cena è pronta intorno alle sei. L'avondeten è il pasto più importante per gli olandesi, in quanto la famiglia si riunisce e ci si racconta tutto ciò che è happened in the day, or just mess around with. At my house every day before and after the meal, please, since my family is evangelical Protestant.
After dinner it is customary to stay together, unless one does not have to finish studying or something, so they remain together in the living room to do anything: watching TV, a movie or make a board game.

So here's my typical day.
I promise that next time I'll write something more interesting, just did not want you to think I had abandoned or that I was already annoyed!
the next

PS: last Sinterklaas weekend was, it was really brilliant! To see the photos, here is the link album on Facebook!


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