Thursday, December 24, 2009

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Merry Christmas

Vrolijk kerstfeest
en Gelukkig nieuw jaar

Small, quick trivia about Dutch Christmas.
1. In the Netherlands there are two days of Christmas, those who are for us at Christmas and Boxing Day.
2. The second day of Christmas there is a big sale of furniture, for which massive amounts of crazy Dutch go to mass in furniture stores, first of all, of course, Ikea.
3. A typical dish Christmas in Holland is the rabbit. For this reason, about a month before Christmas you stop selling domestic rabbits, which are likely to do otherwise Flappie the end of the bunny song is below!

So far, Christmas Eve and all, there was no celebration, we'll see tomorrow!
The only odd thing was this: I went to Mass (Catholic, although my family is Protestant) e. .. There was a Priestess! The Netherlands makes no exceptions.
still wishes to all, enjoy food, and holiday gifts!

Again thanks for your love!

Ps: I would be happy if postaste best wishes in the comments in your language (ospitanti!).


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