Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Japanese Submission Holds

The warm breeze caresses the long eyelashes like ears of corn, the old railcar accompanies my return.
The smell of earth, the taste of the sea, his eyes are filled with sunshine and dark lava.
"Back" I said 'return is the only possibility I have left right now. "
was Sept. 22, the day the sun was warm, soft wind, and you did not expect. Back
was like reliving those old movies starring black and white, everything down there, he still had the taste of authentic, sincere.
The bread smelled, smelled the rain on the earth, the harvest ...
These and a thousand other scents in my memory.
"go, of course, is the only thing left for me in life,"
still burns me that time, abandonment.
With cold cynicism I said that I could not stay with you, in tears.
I needed to find myself, I had a beast that grew in me. A terrible
dualism does not kill me and made me live, psychologists who took me in charge, by a little later, they called bipolar syndrome of 2 degree.
Often, time flowed like water falling down from a pitcher, I could not stop him, staring at the moment, thoughts.
Words could not explain what the mind was free to think, and if the world of physics and the "normal" my tears could only go down in my circus fairy tears, my tears, went up toward the sky to disappear in the sun.
the world according to the times and different rules and big smiles easily grow into deep lines of melancholy. But my fairy circus
fondled me, was the place where everything is showing as I had always wanted it, everything was like a dream, and I loved to dream.
The days ran after weeks and weeks behind the years.
9 years have passed and my enchanted circus was able to find his size in my life, not in my mind.
Now I smile more and cry less, I now know that embracing a person is a treasure, tears of happiness and emotions is a valuable, now I know that I lost the thing I most loved, the diamond that lights my heart.
The warm breeze caresses the long eyelashes like ears of corn, I still say that going back was the only piece to be included in the puzzle of my life.
note the locomotive to stop at this station that recall the colors in ancient folklore, the brakes squeal like mad hyenas.
protrudes from the front exit door of the train, slowly go down the 3 steps that separate me from my land.
close my eyes, the sea is calling me from far away, breath deeply and think, "will return the last victory of my life."


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