Saturday, November 27, 2010

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A nineteen year old Somali living in Oregon in the United States, attempted to detonate a car bomb yesterday during the traditional lighting of the Christmas tree in Portland. The explosives were defused, however, were from the same FBI agents, who had long been under control and has set a trap. Now the boy, Mohamed Mohamud Osman, was arrested and charged with attempted use of weapons of mass destruction.
Mohamud is a naturalized American citizen who lives in Corvallis, a town about 400 miles from Portland. The FBI operation began last June when an undercover officer noticed a suspicious email traffic between Mohamud and an "unindicted associate" of Pakistan. According to the information the FBI two exchanged emails since 2009, and in December last year Mohamud would write the associated mail code, according to the FBI, preparing for his arrival in Pakistan to train in a " violent holy war. "
Mohamud have long sought to contact other members to arrange his trip to Pakistan, but without success. Then the FBI came into the scene, infiltrating an agent as an associate. Mohamud and the agent were met July 30 in Portland, and the two had discussed the "violent jihad". Mohamud would tell the agent to plan the attack at the ceremony of lighting the city Christmas tree in Pioneer Courthouse Square. The agent would try to dissuade him from the idea, explaining that there would be many children, but Mohamud said he would seek their support "a great mass of people will be attacked in their habits, while celebrating the holidays with his family." According to Oregon Live, Mohamud was not worried about the police present at the ceremony, because "the Oregon, Oregon, and nobody even Can you imagine. " Yesterday Mohamud
infiltration led to the place of the ceremony in a white van with several pounds of explosives, according to the FBI all statements aggregate. I got off the van, the two have met another agent brought them to the train station in Portland. Once there, officers are given Mohamud a cell phone that would have detonated the car bomb. When the boy made up the number to trigger it (obviously unsuccessfully) the two agents arrested him.

Friday, November 19, 2010

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might live forever ... You killed the dreams

I look at that picture, that of last summer, I had just turned 15 years.
Look at that picture, I thought I would live forever, but after a few days the grip of death took me in his arms.
is amazing how life can be interrupted at a time, no questions asked and without offering a second chance.
I was 15 and I was in love.
I will never live in the fairy world that came alive in my mind, I will never be like other people my age.
I'll be just a picture in the minds and hearts of the people, I will be only a picture Amber on a tombstone.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

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The chill of snow intoxicating woke me up.
It snowed all night and this bench gave me hug her intensity.
Milan is covered with beautiful white blanket that reminds me of adolescence, when the black of my Baroque Sicily was covered with that white and virginal white.
now I do not have anything, just more ...
The best thing that ever happened to me is to not have anything.
The need to have forces us to act imperfect, we would like more and more, all our material goods, feelings, only ours, all ours.
But that day, I do not 'll never forget, and how could I?
At a time when the castles I had built up what I thought a solid foundation, with a weak gust fell into the abyss of oblivion.
My body was locked, as if an impossible amount of botox I had been injected into the body, any limb responded to my commands, no word came to life from my lips. I was so
for endless minutes while a tear, cold, sharp, clean, I tore my face in two.
I saw in a moment all my past life, the one with you, our plans, our dreams, then in a moment, as an ornament murano, I heard crashing to the ground everything. An annoying sound
me back to reality, I had collected all the clothes and the man who was with you he had fled, I saw you pick up a bag hastily, white as snow ...
was cocaine!
My life stopped at that time, it was as if my body was always there for then and only his split had continued for a tortuous pilgrimage destination that had not.
no longer had anything and nothing mattered to me.
But no one can ever live without dreams and you dreams I killed him. Forever.
He tossed the carton that has protected me from the night, cleaning the snow from the bench and my crap.
I set out towards the Madonna, from there, can only guide who does not have a goal ...
I want to see up close those beautiful decorations that cover, the gargoyles that are launched towards the infinite.
I need to stay on top, to stretch toward heaven, toward God.
I feel my feet off the ground, it took a little jump, at last, now
no longer belong to me, I'll be in heaven ... How

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In the coming days in all the libraries will be released a new edition, enlarged, the autobiography of Cardinal Giacomo Biffi, archbishop emeritus of Bologna (Memoirs of an Italian cardinal and digressions, Cantagalli Editions, 668 pages, 25 €). In the first edition, Cardinal Giacomo Biffi writes his memoirs and asides "to let me in the chest of time, where the mystery of faith gives way to a series of events that apparently may seem unrelated to each other. A faith that is all the more authentic the more you compare with the world, with the questions "secular" In parts added in the second edition there is one of the statements of House Speaker Gianfranco Fini, who, at the end of 2008 , opening the proceedings of a conference dedicated to the seventieth anniversary of the shameful race laws, criticized the Church for not having done and said nothing. Biffi devotes several pages to reconstruct what happened and especially cites the courageous anti-racist sermon the cardinal archbishop of Milan, Alfredo Ildefonso Schuster, now blessed. In his autobiography, before sinking against Fini, Cardinal Biffi recalls the events of those days of 1938 that had "shocked" although he had not yet eleven. And remember: "It is a voice raised in Milan - was the first and remained the only one - who had the courage to openly distance themselves from such madness. On November 13, Cardinal Schuster from the pulpit of the cathedral of Milan, for the beginning of Advent Ambrosiano, delivered a homily that from the very first words, instead of calling the liturgical context, deal immediately with the argument that most worried him: "It is born abroad and meanders a bit 'everywhere a kind of heresy, not only attentive to the supernatural foundations of the Catholic Church but in human blood materializing the spiritual concepts of individual, nation and country, denies any spiritual value to humanity, and thus constitutes an international danger of not less than that of the same Bolshevism. This is called racism. "

Monday, November 15, 2010

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Sketch G7 on a guitar, black, shiny, metallic.
G7, my preferred arrangement, 7 my favorite number.
Tonight I was able to compose the melody of the song that I wrote for you.
Words are the voice of my heart, the melody of the raft on which to navigate my soul.
It was easy, were they to find the right way to compose, the right way to be together. As we
. I promised that I would have written one for you.
now this work is my life, I'm an "actor", I interpret the imagined lives, I understand the feelings that someone will try, then just blow them up with the imagination, so that the circus fairy comes to life ...
But this time it's you and me, our feelings, our lives.
The music fills the loneliness of this night, black as ink. Register
melody, echo the words, now digital is miraculous.
is strangely irresistible sing imagine, your angelic voice, sublime.
I close my eyes and replay the recording, when the dream that you will receive a gift ...

closes his eyes, opened them and write the title before turning off my MacBook, G7.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

What Do I Write For My Boss's Birthday

White as snow, red as love ... Snow

Those were the days when girls dye their hair red and blond, the days when the sky was always gray in Milan and we never saw a ray of sunshine, the days when the alarm sounded when it was still dark outside and the city was silent again, were the days when I was thinking of the sea but I could not get it back ...
In those days, sad and inexorable change, he arrived.
had a beret and mustache gray raven a strong smell of tobacco and that reassuring smile that I fell in love.
Milan was no longer hostile, since then, gradually began to know and, through him, I began to love it.
The work was the main purpose of our lives, and endless hard, we started at dawn and often ended when the sun was eclipsed.
The winter cold made me think about this warmth of my land that gradually became more and more faint, fuzzy, almost idealized.
Milan had reached out to us and we could only thank, though, read the entry of certain stores, "forbidden to enter a dog and southerners" or the humiliation suffered before finding a room to rent, how many bitter pills.
am still renewing the memory of frost on my first day of work, I was only 14 years and the factory received me in the cold and damp of the walls creak. China
I was all day on that machine, I had to produce only that, it was not necessary nor helpful to think, you just made.
course that day I could not learn everything in a few hours sbagliai to produce a few artifacts, the team leader came up with his face grim, angry, I saw his calloused hand thrown towards me, I received the first blow of my life, it was like swallowing glass.
A teardrop crystal cut my cheeks until cucirmi lips, I continued to cry in the silence of my work until the end of turn.
That night I closed my eyes and cursed my mother cursed train that had brought me to this city, I cursed myself for not being escaped.
Time is a sweet medicine, swallowed the first bite of the glass slowly everything became normal, despite the pain and fatigue that gave us work to live, gave us a house and gave us the possibility to rest one day a week.
It was in the days before my first Christmas here that I met him, his sister was at the factory with us and we met on Sunday to honor God and his word.
That day he looked at me and smiled for the first time.
quell'uragano inside I had never heard that really overwhelmed me, I had no words, I could not breathe, I could not look into his eyes, only a flurry of excitement and a strong sound that only after I recognized how my heart.