Tuesday, November 16, 2010

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The chill of snow intoxicating woke me up.
It snowed all night and this bench gave me hug her intensity.
Milan is covered with beautiful white blanket that reminds me of adolescence, when the black of my Baroque Sicily was covered with that white and virginal white.
now I do not have anything, just more ...
The best thing that ever happened to me is to not have anything.
The need to have forces us to act imperfect, we would like more and more, all our material goods, feelings, only ours, all ours.
But that day, I do not 'll never forget, and how could I?
At a time when the castles I had built up what I thought a solid foundation, with a weak gust fell into the abyss of oblivion.
My body was locked, as if an impossible amount of botox I had been injected into the body, any limb responded to my commands, no word came to life from my lips. I was so
for endless minutes while a tear, cold, sharp, clean, I tore my face in two.
I saw in a moment all my past life, the one with you, our plans, our dreams, then in a moment, as an ornament murano, I heard crashing to the ground everything. An annoying sound
me back to reality, I had collected all the clothes and the man who was with you he had fled, I saw you pick up a bag hastily, white as snow ...
was cocaine!
My life stopped at that time, it was as if my body was always there for then and only his split had continued for a tortuous pilgrimage destination that had not.
no longer had anything and nothing mattered to me.
But no one can ever live without dreams and you dreams I killed him. Forever.
He tossed the carton that has protected me from the night, cleaning the snow from the bench and my crap.
I set out towards the Madonna, from there, can only guide who does not have a goal ...
I want to see up close those beautiful decorations that cover, the gargoyles that are launched towards the infinite.
I need to stay on top, to stretch toward heaven, toward God.
I feel my feet off the ground, it took a little jump, at last, now
no longer belong to me, I'll be in heaven ... How


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