Thursday, May 27, 2010

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white as milk as red as blood

When you are dealing with teenagers is never easy. You do not ever know what words to use. In order not to hurt them, not for us to go through the usual old man, who does not understand them, who are always on him, because "the big lie at the world to remember the fears that we have not." Therefore needs to understand their words, gestures that they appreciate. How did you do in that one hour a substitute in a fifth of high school at a grammar school in Rome, the "professor". The "dreamer" How did you do in his debut novel Alessandro oats.
Gently, but also for the case, it was slipped into their daily lives. Stealing them just one hour. Ma rendendosi comprensivo e partecipe. Con le sue storie, con la sua sensibilità.
"Bianca come il latte, Rossa come il sangue" rappresenta i due colori della vita di Leo. Imparerà a conoscerli così profondamente bene fino a quando le due parole si uniranno a dare come risultato un termine terribile perché incomprensibile agli occhi di un giovane: la leucemia.
Leo, attraverso un percorso fatto di dolore darà un nuovo significato ai due colori. Il bianco non sarà più il vuoto, il nulla, l’assenza. Diventerà il colore della purezza, della pulizia, dell'innocenza, della nascita. Il rosso non sarà solo l’amore. Diventerà il colore del movimento, dell'attività e del coraggio. Il coraggio growth. Through the realization of his dreams. Avoiding, then once, to see them as often occurs in adults, full of flaws. This prevents them from starting again, but going on his way.

chatting with D'Alessandro Avenia ... " Beatrice is Dante's paradise." You chose the name because Beatrice as Dante also idealizes the Leo?
Beatrice I chose the name for several reasons.
I still wanted my story to a text that I love and that has changed my life, and that too few people read. I wanted my
Beatrice was a character on the border between earth and sky, as it is for Dante. Leo certainly idealized Beatrice, but Beatrice is reality, not an idea of \u200b\u200ba woman. The challenge that I tried to address was to tell that sometimes the heaven is hidden in fact even more incomprehensible and painful. Beatrice leads Leo in reality, which happens to Dante, and as happens to every man who finds his path a real woman.

Young, in the eyes of adults, they live a long hibernation, which makes them apathetic: adolescence. Leo has a vibration that makes it ripe, lively participant in the world. You always need a ride through the pain to "learn"?

do not have to pass through a pain like what Leo powerful experiences, but adolescence is in itself a pain in the transition from the magic world of childhood to the fatigue of real life, full of uncertainties. Every rite of passage in life is painful but the pain of adolescence is a pain in transit "delivery": the birth of a new creature, a man and a woman capable of dealing with the only life you have to open face.
Often boys seem apathetic because they are too concentrated to give birth and do not want anyone to disturb the labor, in itself difficult. We should gradually learn how to assist them, without replacing them, and without ridicule.


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