Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Is There An Automatic Starter For Manual Card

Loose Cannons ... La Vida Es Un Carnaval

Tic tac, tic tac, tic tac ...
fluid gear life, flows imperceptibly perfect, tic tac, tic tac.
Then one day, suddenly you hear a strange sound, never heard before, a crash into the abyss, an ugly sound that captures your attention ...
Here, it is precisely at that moment your life changes, it changes and changes again, you will observe in a detached way, like a movie you can watch the scenes, frame by frame and the magic masochistic is that you can also go back to review and think about the why of things.
You can not remain impassive to this, the beginning is like a boxer, a professional, give you a right hook directly to the stomach, retching blood rises to the mouth, signs of change are noticeable, tangible on the lips, hands, blood.
Gradually, however, the punch in the stomach show the deeper mechanisms of that system you thought was perfect.
Friendship, love, trust, the primary values.
Nothing can escape the ironic twist of fate, as in a messy effect created by mines drifting confusion, a new mixture and slowly creating new order.
I put the pieces in the sixth of this explosion, this time it was louder than usual, certainty and values \u200b\u200bof others scattered like sand in the wind.
Home you hear a ticking again, different from its predecessor, it takes little to get used again.
pic pac, pic pac ....
I hear that song again that I loved so much "I will change the life, not make it to change me .... I will change the life that has disappointed me more than you, take me to the sea, let me dream and tell me. ... "
Yes, better to dream!


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