Saturday, February 13, 2010

Transducer Temperature Sensor Schematic Body


are small or thoughts as they say the more "pearls of wisdom" that arise from the transcript of the phrases "discover" in books, songs, movies, or collection of maxims and aphorisms. I started well for the event to publish a daily in my profile on facebook and I noticed that in many appreciate these thoughts in their simplicity, however, contain a true, beautiful, true and sometimes uncomfortable to bother. But it is edifying to read the beautiful thoughts and also the less beautiful ones that we feel him like a weight that bothers us ... indeed in everyday life we \u200b\u200bencounter the beauty and ugliness, good and evil, cioò we like and what we do not like.
The important thing is always to find the reflection and the assessment of these pills contain the message of wisdom so that they can perhaps help us to improve ourselves in discovering ourselves or in others a "pinch" of truth.
With this desire, then occasionally some public pearl certain that whoever reads it will draw the truth.

Do not cry on our own, it changes course.

The higher you climb as far as you watch. Too bad that in doing so, you lose sight of the things most close to us; ultimately the most expensive!

born in a hen house does not matter if we are lucky enough to become a swan!

The worse things have always been done with the best intentions.

Whatever you do, act with caution and keep in mind your goal.

The smile is the light in the window of the eye that indicates that the heart is at home.

When one door of happiness closes, another opens. But often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see what has been opened for us.

For a real pain, real, even the idiots are now smart sometimes. This pain can do.


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